Week 10
August 2 to August 6
August 2 2021
I started searching for many questionnaires from google scholars ranging from psychology to robotics. In hopes, I find questions that will help me with the questionnaires I want to use for my research. I also started watching Python Crash Course and Machine Learning with Python to get a quick overview. I planned on starting looking more into the coding side of research for the next three weeks. I also decided for my research to not include the Policy-Shaping framework because I don’t plan on studying the robot when the user is on break.
August 3 2021
I talked more to my mentor about the trip next week. We discussed a little bit about how the budget of the trip would work. Also, I was recommended by her to look at Open GymAI, which has a lot of online robotics environments that I can use for research. Also, it is easier for me to program. Plus, I can avoid any IRB cases. Lastly, since I am passing my research off to another student it is easier for them to use.
August 5 to August 6 2021
I downloaded Jupyter Notebook and then played around with it to get used to how it works. I did more reading and writing for the TAMER framework. I also did some more writing for the user study.